Lecture evening with Dietmar Stubenbaum
on 2.10.2023 at 19:30 in Friedrichshafen
Most people in the West only know a few styles of Taijiquan, if they know anything about it at all. Yet Taijiquan is a rich and diverse art that encompasses many different forms and traditions.

Lecture evening with Dietmar Stubenbaum
on 30.09.2019 at 20:00 in Friedrichshafen
Chen Clan Taijiquan and its development over the generations in general and with a special focus on the different lineages in the "small frame".

Lecture evening with Jens Weinbrecht
On 08.12.2018 at 20:00 in Nuremberg

The 1959 text is Tang Hao's final work. His writing once again shows subtle but significant adjustments to his earlier publications.

Sunzi Bingfa


Lecture evening with Dr. Julian Braun
On 01.10.2018 at 19:30 in Friedrichshafen

Admission free
The treatise Sunzi Bingfa, known as the "13 Chapters on the Art of War" from the "Warring States Period" (5th century - 221 BC) by Master Sun is one of the earliest and most famous treatises on military strategy.

Lecture evening with Dr. Julian Braun
On 02.10.2017 at 20:00 in Friedrichshafen

Free admission
The "Yoga Sutra" by Patanjali (written between 200 BC and 200 AD) is the classic text of early yoga.

Lecture evening with Dr. Julian Braun
on 02.10.2017 at 18:15 in Friedrichshafen

Admission free
In this lecture, central concepts of Chinese philosophy (yin-yang, dao, qi, etc.) as well as important writings from various fields such as military strategy, martial arts, medicine and life care, Daoism, Confucianism, etc. will be presented.

Lecture evening with Dietmar Stubenbaum
on 19.09.2017 at 20:00 in Friedrichshafen

Admission free
Dietmar Stubenbaum's lecture will take you through the art of fencing in the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Republic period, the late Middle Ages and the modern era, and show its evolution in China and Europe.

Lecture evening with Dietmar Stubenbaum
on 01.12.2016 at 20:00 in Friedrichshafen

Admission free
As a guest of the Lions Club Friedrichshafen, Dietmar will give curious listeners who are not at all familiar with Asian martial arts a look behind the scenes of Taijiquan.

Lecture evening with Dr. Julian Braun
on 02.10.2015 at 20:30 in Ravensburg

Admission free
Dr. Julian Braun will once again be giving a lecture this year, this time on the topic: "The common path of brush and sword - philosophy and ethics of Japanese martial arts of the Tokugawa period (1603-1868)"