The History of the Origin of Taijiquan in Henan Province


Lecture evening with Dietmar Stubenbaum
on 2.10.2023 at 19:30 in Friedrichshafen
Most people in the West only know a few styles of Taijiquan, if they know anything about it at all. Yet Taijiquan is a rich and diverse art that encompasses many different forms and traditions.

Chen Wangting statue in the temple of Chenjiagou
Chen Wangting statue in the temple of Chenjiagou
This lecture will introduce and explain the diversity of Taijiquan culture, as there is far more to discover here than is commonly thought.

Admission: The lecture is free of charge for participants of the Chen Taijiquan Xiaojia Autumn Camp 2023 and members of the Society for the Study and Practice of Small Frame Chen Clan Taijiquan e. V. We ask all others to make a donation of €3 to our association's coffers.

Venue: Die Pagode, Albert-Maier-Str. 12, 88045 Friedrichshafen (entrance on the left side of the building up the stairs to the second floor)