ISCT Festival 2024 Naples/Italy
The time has come again, after the "International Society of Chen Taijiquan (ISCT)" Cultural Festival, which normally takes place every 3 years, was last held in Japan in 2017, and then canceled in 2020 because nothing was normal for a few years after 2020, the festival will finally take place again in Naples in 2024.

From April 25 to 28, all Chen Taijiquan Xiaojia enthusiasts will meet at PalaBarbuto near Naples.
Master Chen Peishan will be teaching there, accompanied by his two sons Chen Shaohua and Chan Shaokang.
The three-day teaching program includes training in the Sizheng Taijiquan hand form, the Sizheng Taijiquan sword form, Chen Taijiquan Xiaojia Yilu, Tuishou and, for the first time, the Sizheng Taijiquan sabre form.
Following the training on the third day, the ISCT board meeting will take place.
On the fourth day, the general assembly with lectures will take place in the morning, and in the afternoon we can look forward to group and individual demonstrations.
We are particularly looking forward to the demonstrations by Master Chen Peishan and his sons, but of course it will once again be an experience to witness the masterly skills of our teacher Dietmar Stubenbaum.
The last day of the festival will be rounded off with a gala dinner. So we can look forward to a few wonderful days in Italy.
by Annemarie Leippert
Note: The organizers strongly recommend that you make your hotel booking by 31.12.2023 in the two proposed hotels, as the rooms will only be kept free for us until this date.