Course instructor exams in Luxembourg
On November 17, 2019, the examinations for course instructors took place in Luxembourg under the direction of Master Dietmar Stubenbaum. With Patrick Hallé and Michael Derpsch, we can now welcome two more instructors to our ranks.

We would like to congratulate Patrick Hallé on passing his instructor exam.
Patrick has been a student at Volker Bänsch's Luxembourg Taijiquan school since 2011 and has deepened his knowledge of the art in many workshops with Dietmar Stubenbaum.

Patrick has been doing voluntary work for our community for a long time. A graphic designer by profession, he designs our club booklets and the T-shirts for the fall camp, for example.
Particularly noteworthy is the graphic design of the German version of the Chen Xin classic "Kommentare zu den grafischen Erläuterungen zum Chen Taijiquan des Chen-Clans".
He is currently working on the German version of a book on Sizheng Taijiquan, written by Master Chen Peishan.
In a Facebook post (here is an excerpt) he thanks his and our teacher Dietmar Stubenbaum:
"I would like to express my deep gratitude towards Dietmar Stubenbaum, for his relentless patience and effort he puts into sharing his deep knowledge and understanding of this martial art, enabling us, as his students, to gradually develop our own basis with which we can work and develop our practice. I feel very grateful. Thank you thank you thank you thank you!"
His website: www.bakform.lu
We would also like to congratulate Michael Derpsch on passing his course instructor exam.
Michael Derpsch came to Taijiquan as the owner of a specialized school for Wing Tsun - open and curious about other martial arts - in order to get to know the aspects of our inner martial art.
Having passed his exam, he is now officially authorized to pass on his newly acquired knowledge.

The website of his Wing Tsun school: www.wt-fachschule.de