STATUTES of the Society for the Research and Practice of Small Frame Chen Clan Taijiquan

(GCT) e. V.

§ 1 Name and registered office of the association

The association, founded in 2015, is registered in the register of associations of the local court in Ottweiler under the name "Gesellschaft zur Erforschung und Praxis des Kleinen Rahmen Chen Clan Taijiquan (GCT) e.V.".

The registered office of the association is in Eppelborn

§ 2 Financial year

The financial year of the association is the calendar year.

§ 3 Purpose

  • Research and promotion of Taijiquan practice as a comprehensive method (martial art, health promotion, personal development)
  • To publicize and disseminate Chen Family Taijiquan of the Small Frame
  • Research and preservation of the theory and practice of the Small Frame Chen Taijiquan
  • Promotion of youth in Taijiquan and the internal martial arts
  • Researching historical and contemporary source materials on Taijiquan (as well as the Chinese and other martial arts)
  • Translation and publication projects on Taijiquan (as well as the Chinese and other martial arts)
  • Research into the nature, distribution, handling etc. of traditional weapons of Chinese martial arts (their acquisition and restoration)
  • Research into the socio-cultural environment in the course of the history of Chinese martial arts (e.g. eating habits, clothing, housing, family life, etc.)
  • Promotion and production of photographic and film documentation relating to the Chinese martial arts
  • Development of teaching materials (print media, web-based teaching materials, film)
  • Promotion of research trips to pursue the purposes of the association
  • Representation of interests and contact person for the ISCT (International Society of Chen Taijiquan)

The association has set itself the task of serving the health of the general public and young people on a voluntary basis and to the exclusion of party-political, racial and denominational aspects.

It thus pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes within the meaning of the section "Tax-privileged purposes" of the German Tax Code.

The association is selflessly active and does not primarily pursue its own economic purposes. The association's funds may only be used for the purposes set out in the articles of association. Members shall not receive any donations from the association's funds and shall not receive any refund of paid contributions or any claim to the association's assets if they leave the association or if it is dissolved or abolished.

No person may benefit from expenses that are alien to the purpose of the association or from disproportionately high remuneration.

§ 4 Membership

Anyone can become a member of the association.

§ 5 Acquisition of membership

Members are admitted by resolution of the Executive Board on the basis of an application for membership. The application for membership must be submitted to the association in writing.

In the case of minors, the signature of the legal representative is required. The Board of Directors decides on admission. The rejection by the Board of Directors does not have to be justified and cannot be contested.

By becoming a member, the member undertakes to promote the purpose of the association. It submits to the statutes and regulations of the association.

Ordinary membership begins on the day the applicant is accepted by the Board of Directors. Persons who have rendered outstanding services to the promotion of the purpose of the Association may be appointed honorary members by the General Meeting at the proposal of the Board of Directors. They are exempt from membership fees.

§ 6 Loss of membership

Upon termination of membership, all rights of the member expire.

The membership of a member ends through death, resignation or expulsion. The resignation of a member is effected by written declaration to the Executive Board, with a notice period of 14 days to the end of the respective year.

The exclusion of a member can be decided by the Executive Board if the member

  • is in arrears with the payment of a contribution for more than one year.
  • violates the provisions of the articles of association, regulations or the interests of the association.
  • does not comply with instructions or resolutions of the association's bodies or behaves dishonorably in direct connection with the life of the association.

The exclusion decision must be communicated in writing. The person concerned has the right to appeal against the exclusion decision within two weeks to the Executive Board at the next General Meeting, to which he or she must be invited. The General Meeting shall make the final decision on the validity of the exclusion decision. The member's rights are suspended until the decision of the general meeting.

§ 7 Membership fee

The amount of the membership fee is determined by the General Meeting.

The annual membership fee is collected in January by direct debit by the club treasurer. If a member joins the association during the course of the financial year, the annual membership fee shall be charged pro rata according to the remaining months and shall be collected by direct debit.

If the member's account does not have the required funds, the member shall bear the costs incurred by the association as a result.

§ 8 Organs

The bodies of the association are

- the members' meeting

- the Executive Board

§ 9 General meeting

The General Meeting is convened every 2 years by the Chairman or the Secretary. In addition, a General Meeting must be convened if the interests of the Association so require or if 1/5 of the members request it in writing, stating the purpose and reasons.

The tasks of the General Meeting include receiving the management and activity reports, accepting the auditor's report and passing resolutions on motions. Other tasks include the election and dismissal of the Executive Board. The General Meeting serves to approve the actions of the Executive Board.

§ 10 Invitation period for the General Meeting

Each General Meeting shall be convened by the Chairman or the Secretary in writing and/or by e-mail with a notice period of 8 weeks. In addition, the General Meeting shall be advertised on the Association's website.

The agenda set by the Executive Board as well as the venue and time of the meeting must be communicated at the same time.

§ 11 Motions

All members have the right to submit motions to the Board of Directors and the General Meeting. Motions for the General Meeting must be submitted to the Executive Board in writing at least 2 weeks before the General Meeting, stating the reasons for the motion.

§ 12 Resolutions of the General Meeting

Every properly convened general meeting has a quorum. Decisions are made by simple majority unless otherwise stipulated in the Articles of Association. Each member over the age of 16 has one vote; proxy voting is not permitted. Minutes must be kept of resolutions, which must be signed by a member of the Executive Board and the secretary.

Changes to the articles of association and purpose can be decided by the general meeting with a 3/4 majority of the members present.

§ 13 Board of the association

The Executive Board of the Association consists of

  • the chairman
  • the secretary
  • the treasurer

The Chairperson is elected for 10 years by the General Meeting. The Secretary and the Treasurer are elected by the General Meeting for a term of 5 years. Re-election is permitted.

Elections are by acclamation. If a member raises an objection to this method of election, the election must be carried out by ballot. The Board of Directors is elected if it receives a simple majority of the votes of the members present. The Board of Directors shall remain in office until a new Board of Directors has been elected.

If a Board member resigns before the end of their term of office after being elected, a new Board member must be elected for the remaining term of office of the resigning Board member at an Extraordinary General Meeting.

The Chairman and the Treasurer represent the association in and out of court in accordance with § 26 BGB. Each is authorized to represent the association alone.

The Executive Board passes its resolutions by a 2/3 majority of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board is responsible for representing the interests of the association both internally and externally.

It organizes and monitors the activities of the association and is entitled to appoint department heads and committees for specific purposes.

It also draws up the budget.

The Executive Board is responsible for all matters that are not the responsibility of the General Assembly.

The members of the bodies generally work on a voluntary basis. By way of derogation from this, the Executive Board may, in justified individual cases, also decide on appropriate remuneration for members of the Executive Board within the meaning of Section 26 BGB.

§ 14 Cash auditors

The General Meeting elects two cash auditors who may not be members of the Executive Board.

The cash auditors shall check the correctness of the Association's and the departments' bookkeeping in terms of facts and calculations, confirm this with their signature and submit a report on this to the General Meeting. The receipts are to be examined on a random basis.

In the event of any deficiencies found, the auditors must report to the Executive Board beforehand. The audits should take place within a reasonable period of time before the general meetings.

§ 15 Regulations of the association

The association may adopt association regulations to regulate the association's internal processes. The association regulations are not part of the articles of association. The Board of Directors is responsible for the enactment, amendment and repeal of association regulations.

§ Section 16 Dissolution of the association

In the event of the dissolution or annulment of the corporation or the discontinuation of tax-privileged purposes, the assets of the corporation shall, with the approval of the tax office, be transferred to SOS-Kinderdorf e.V. based in Saarbrücken, which must use them directly and exclusively for charitable purposes.

The dissolution of the association can be decided with a 2/3 majority of the general meeting. In the event of dissolution, all liabilities of the association must first be repaid.

§ 17 These Articles of Association were adopted in their present form by the General Meeting of the Association on 01.10.2019 and come into force upon entry in the register of associations.